2025 Order Process

Placing an order:

  • To simplify the ordering process in 2025 there will no longer be a hatching schedule posted. Customers can order any breeds listed on the website and during checkout you will choose a desired month for pickup.
  • After I have reviewed the order, I will respond with a confirmed pickup date. For chicks it will be a Saturday or Sunday and for older pullets it will be a week range. You can then choose and schedule the day that works for you.
  • If you have any trouble finding or adding a bird you would like, please submit a REQUEST FORM and I will get it added to your order.
  • Orders can be submitted without making a deposit but birds will not be held until a deposit is made.
  • For Venmo the deposit is 50% with a maximum of $100.
  • For PayPal or Credit Cards, I can’t make the website charge $100 maximum so it will charge 50% plus a small non-refundable payment processing fee defined before checking out. (Generally 5% or $5)
  • For fastest order processing and best chance at getting the pickup date and breeds you want, make a deposit after submitting the order. Then when I manually process the order, usually within 24-48 hours, you will receive a FINAL CONFIRMATION email with a pickup date and your birds will be held.
    • If the Final Confirmation has any major differences from your requested order, email me back and I will see what I can do or you can request a refund of your deposit.
    • If you have a desired pickup date, for most orders that should not be a problem. However April and May are super busy so exact pickup dates might not be possible at that time.
    • Pricing also should not change after submitting. But if I need to pull some birds from a previous hatch then pricing will update while it is being processed (usually $5 per week). I will let you know of any pricing changes and I will also hold the others you requested while you decide. If at anytime during this you change your mind you can request a refund.

If you want freshly hatched chicks:

  • You can place a preorder or wait for the weekend when I usually have chicks available for same day pickup no preorder needed.
  • If you preorder they must be picked up on the availability date listed in your order confirmation for the freshly hatch chick price. Technically they are usually about 3-5 days old at this point.
  • Baby birds are very sensitive and delicate and can die for various reasons due to no fault of you or I. Koops Coops is different then other farms in that I will replace your chicks if they die within 3 days of purchase. No refunds and large fowl chickens only.
  • For preordered chicks it is possible that due to last minute problems or issues with a hatch that a breed(s) may not be available for your pickup. I will not be able to call each customer before appointments but if this does occur I will supply alternative breeds for your pickup.

If you want 2-3 month old pullets:

  • At 4 weeks old chicks are fully feathered and moved out into a coop without heat. At 2 months old they can handle snow.
  • You can place a preorder to pickup all your desired breeds at one time or you can watch the Yard Sale page and choose birds for immediate pickup.
  • In 2025, I will be trying to have laying Production Reds at 5-6 months old available starting in April. View the Yard Sale page for details when they are available.

Hatching Plan as of January 2025:

Every year I start with a plan and of course in time it changes, but here is my general plan this year.
These are breeds that I expect to be hatching every week. All other breeds that are available on the website I expect to have at least once or twice a month.

  • Easter Eggers
  • Salmon Faverolles
  • Cream Legbars
  • Barred Rocks
  • RI Reds
  • Lavender Orpingtons
  • Olive Eggers
  • Buff Orpingtons
  • Black Copper Marans
  • Blue Copper Marans
  • Black Australorps
  • Laced Wyandottes
  • Leghorns
  • Polish
  • Prairie Bluebells
  • Jubilee English Orpingtons
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