Specializing in Fancy Chicken Breeds & Healthy Guaranteed Hens


Preorder Hens in Ages Ranging from Fresh Chicks to 2-3 Months Old

Get all the breeds you want by preordering fresh chicks or older pullets.
Although baby chicks can be cute and fun, older pullets are already thriving, fully feathered, no longer require heat or chick starter feed and can be placed out in a coop as soon as they get home.

Optimized for Success


Vaccinations ensure common bird diseases are kept away. Some Marek’s vaccinate but we also coccidia vaccinate because it is extremely common and deadly and often goes unnoticed.


Dewormed & Mite Free

We deworm and apply mite treatment to all our pullets so you know you are getting healthy birds when they leave our care.

Honest & Upfront

Pickup Inspection

Upon pickup we will run through our multi-point inspection with you to show common things to look for and how we prevent them. We will check for things like clear eyes, smooth legs, fluffy butts and no mites.


All Large Fowl Chickens are GUARANTEED Hens!

All chicks are sexed twice but if you still end up with a rooster you can return it for a new bird of original purchase size.
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Poultry Congress 2025
At Big E in West Springfield MA

Koops Coops will be showing and selling at Poultry Congress in 2025!

If you have been to Poultry Congress you know birds available for sale are limited and they sell quick. For years I wanted to buy certain breeds from the show and they would sell too fast or they wouldn’t be for sale at all. Last year I waited for 1 hour by a pen with magnificent Salmon Faverolles for sale and when the guy showed up, he said they were all sold. I do not sell show quality birds but I do sell quality representations of the breeds. So I bred and am bringing my own Salmons among many other 3-4 month old girls for sale!

Most Popular Hens


We are NPIP Health Certified as a
Clean Farm by RI DEM & USDA

Every year our birds are tested for various avian diseases and
these results are reported to the Department of Agriculture

NPIP Certified

The National Poultry Improvement Program is a voluntary State–Federal cooperative testing and certification program for poultry breeding flocks, baby chicks, poults, hatching eggs, hatcheries, and dealers.

Avian Influenza Tested

AI is a bird flu that in RI is sometimes spread to native birds and family fowl by Artic Swans and other wild waterfowl during their migration south.

Salmonella Tested

This is different then the salmonella on the outside of the bird. It is an internal pathogen with a high mortality.

Pullorum-Typhoid Tested

This disease is egg-transmitted and can produce high death loss in the young birds.

No breed preference? Let us pick for you!

Just pick a quality that means the most to you and we will choose the breeds.
These choices are cheaper and available for pickup much sooner then specific breed orders.


All Large Fowl Chicks have a 3-day Live GUARANTEE!

Baby birds are very sensitive and delicate and can die for various reasons due to no fault of you or I.
Koops Coops is different then other farms in that I will replace your large fowl chicks if they die within 3 days of purchase.


Local – Fresh – Consistent – Reliable

With over 90 years of experience manufacturing feeds, privately owned and operated Ventura Grain in Taunton MA has the expertise and integrity to ensure a quality ration every time. Some larger commercial feed producers will change their recipe as the price of ingredients like corn rises and falls. Ventura uses a consistent formula that can be relied on. And while other brands may sit in a warehouse for 6 months before a store even orders it, Ventura is making feed fresh every week.
Koops Coops is a proud dealer of Ventura Grain.

Koops Coops Exclusive

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