Blue Ameraucana


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SKU: 86959 Categories: , , Tags: ,

*!* Chicks Only *!*

  • INCLUDES 90 day guarantee that they will be alive and well. If within 90 days of hatching the chick dies, you will get a refund.
  • INCLUDES 6 month sexing guarantee. If within 6 months of hatching it turns out to be a rooster you will need to return the rooster to us and you will get a refund. (Although we have yet to sell a rooster.)

Blue Ameraucanas are a beautiful rare chicken breed that lays blue eggs.

Production: The Ameraucana lays blue eggs of medium size. They have a long laying season and are cold-hardy.

Temperament: Blue Ameraucanas are docile and friendly.

History: Originated in the United States. Admitted to the APA in 1984.

Colors: As with any other “blue” breed, the blue trait does not breed true. You will receive blue, splash, and black colorings.

Livestock Conservancy Status: Not applicable because they are a newer breed being developed in the 1970s.

Body Type: pea comb, small wattles, and earlobes, all red. The Ameraucana has a beard, muffs, and a tail.

Blue chickens do not breed true and our blue to blue mating’s produce approximately 50% blue chicks, 25% black chicks and 25% splash chicks.  Please understand that blue chicks may also be black or splash.


Bird Type

Egg Color



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