A Wyandotte chicken is perfect for any backyard flock. Especially cold hardy, they are great for cold climates like the northern United States. They’ll perform well even in snowy climates since their rose combs aren’t prone to frostbite.
The Wyandotte Chicken originated in northern New York and southern parts of Canada in the 1870s and debuted in the US at the Chicago Fair. It is believed to be related to the Brahma. Although the Wyandotte chicken breed has been around in the United States since the late 1800’s, the new Lavender color was recently created with this breed in the 21st century and is virtually impossible to find.
In 2016, Wyandotte chickens graduated from the endangered list of The Livestock Conservancy. The organization does ask that any Wyandotte chicken with a full comb not be used as breeding stock. This lessens the hardiness of the breed and is likely to reduce their numbers.
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