My Olive Eggers used to come from a couple of different crosses.
– One line was a cross of Cream Legbars and French Cuckoo Marans. This cross creates a bird that lays a green egg, which will vary between sage and olive shades. They are barred like a Cuckoo Maran and can have a small crest similar to the Cream Legbar. UPDATE* As of 2025 this line is no longer offered.
– The other cross that is still offered is between Cream Legbars and Welsummers trying to create a green egg that is speckled similar to Welsummers.
Any crossed breed could have a chance of laying brown, blue, green or even pink eggs. Since Olive Eggers are a mix breed bird the laying color can vary greatly and may not be “olive”. If your bird is laying blue eggs, it’s because Olive Eggers have genes from blue and green egg layers and they may have retained the blue. Usually, Olive Egger hens that lay blue eggs have brown pigment over the top, creating the shade of olive green.
You may ask then what is the difference between an Olive Egger and an Easter Egger? Its not much.
Olive Eggers are produced by crossing a dark brown egg-laying breed with a blue egg layer.
Easter Eggers are produced by crossing a regular brown egg layer with a blue egg layer.
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